​In this practical course you’ll learn to understand, speak, read and write the Dutch language at a basic level. The main focus will be on conversational skills. The goal of the course is to help you become familiar as quickly as possible with the basics of the language, so you can communicate with Dutch people while shopping, bringing your children to school, visiting your GP, attending social events, etc.

The course location is:
International School Groningen, Hemmenlaan 2, 9751NS Haren

Course profile

  • Level: A1
  • Method: Nederlands nu! chapter 1-6.  You can order the book here
  • Start: Tuesday 8 October 2024
  • ​Last meeting: 14 January 2025
  • Classes from 17.00 to 19.00
  • 12 meetings, 120 minutes each
  • No classes on: 29 October, 24 and 31 December
  • Students per group: 4 - 10
  • Course fee: €310,-  (to be paid in advance)
  • Parents and teachers of ISG students are admitted with priority
  • Teacher: Riemer Riemersma

Registration: send a short e-mail with
-phone number
-the level you wish to join
to Riemer Riemersma before 15 September 2024

Students of the former beginners courses remarked:

  • This course gives me the basic knowledge to communicate in common social life.
  • The course helped me a lot to understand local people and to make my life in the Netherlands more convenient!